Two Hyenas In Japanese Zoo Discovered to be Males After being Paired up for Two Years

The staff of Maruyama zoo in Japan had spent years in frustration
after two spotted hyenas they had kept together "just won't mate".

The hyenas, Kami and Kamutori had arrived as a pair from South Korea
in 2010 and were eventually put together for breeding in 2012.

But all they did was fight, bite each other and display shocking
"territorial behaviour".

This moved the zoo-keepers to request a verification of the sex of the hyenas.

...And the results came in; both were male.

According to them, it's quite difficult to tell the sex of the spotted
hyena from the external genitalia so they had to carry out ultrasound
and hormonal checks.

Lol! Those Hyenas are not down with same-sex marriage.
