Don't Tag me "Gay" or "African American"- Raven Symone

"That's so raven" star, Raven Symone, sat down with Oprah Winfrey
recently to clarify a tweet she sent out earlier.

She had tweeted that she could finally get married after Rhode Island
legalised same-sex marriage.

"That was my way of saying I'm proud of the country," Raven, 28 said.
"But, I will say that I'm in an amazing, happy relationship with my
partner. A woman."

She went on to say, "On the other side, my mother and people in my
family, they've taught me to keep my personal life to myself as much
as possible. So, I try my best to hold the fence where I can. But I am
proud to be who I am and what I am."

Still, Raven cautioned, "I don't want to be labeled 'gay.' I want to
be labeled 'a human who loves humans.'"

She added, "I'm tired of being labeled. I'm an American. I'm not an
African-American. I'm an American."

As far as this labelling or tagging goes...She may just have to live with it.